Friday, 26 November 2021

A New Craft - Diamond Dots

 Hi everyone,

I've been diamond dotting.

The last eighteen months have been quite unusual in that a lot more time has been spent at home but a lot less time has been spent crocheting.  Not quite sure why but I haven't felt the need to crochet (or knit) anything.

I've finished off a couple of UFO macrame projects and three diamond dots but no projects made from yarn.

Very strange but hoping to get back in to it soon.

What have you been making?


Saturday, 6 February 2021

2021 - No so much crafting ...

 If there is one thing that 2020 taught me it was to expect the unexpected!

This year I am going to take a break from crafting or decrease the amount of it and work on getting my health and energy back.

My cro-jo has disappeared.  I haven't crocheted anything in months.

Time to try and find it again!