Friday, 2 September 2016

How to Make and Create with Plarn Workshop - Warburton - Upper Yarra Arts Centre

Quarterly Crafternoons is hosting an International Crochet Day filled with fun workshops at the Upper Yarra Arts Centre, in Warburton, Victoria.

I will be hosting the Create and Crochet with Plarn workshop there. It is the first time I've hosted a workshop as part of International Crochet Day and I am looking forward to showing other people how we make the mats for people sleeping rough on the streets. It also links in well with "Plastic Bag free Warburton".

This is the information from their Facebook event

We are on again!! Our 5th International Crochet Day will be held on Sunday 11th September at the Upper Yarra Arts Centre, Warburton.
Doors open at 11am. No registration.
Workshops session 1 - 11.30am til 1.00pm
Workshops session 2 - 2.00pm til 3.30pm
All workshops are free thanks to our sponsorship from the Warburton and Yarra Junction Community Banks and the venue and support provided by The Yarra Ranges Shire.


* BEGINNERS CROCHET w/ Melinda Duncan &
Matilda Yoko
Learn the basics of crochet with these two super experienced crocheters and wonderful teachers. 2 sessions (times above) Limited to 8 per session

* ENTRELAC CROCHET w/ Kaye Adolphson an advanced workshop for those wanting to challenge their crochet skills PLEASE NOTE THERE IS JUST ONE SESSION FOR THE DAY AND YOU MUST HAVE CROCHET SKILLS
Limited to just 6 people. Begins at 11.30

* FABRIC BAG W/ A CROCHET HANDLE - hosted by Plastic Bag Free Warburton. Join this dedicate community group, grab a premade fabric tote and crochet your handles. The bag is then your to keep- lucky you!! See session times above. Basic crochet skills required

* CREATE AND CROCHET WITH PLARN!- w/ Lisa Robson. Lisa will show you how to make PLARN, plastic yarn using up single use plastic bags you can then crochet into a placmat or other vessel if you like. Lisa usually makes PLARN into sleeping mats used as a buffer against the ground. See session times above limited to 10 per session